ios 6 jailbreak untethered
ios 6 jailbreak untethered

2018年4月10日—Evasi0nisanuntetheredjailbreak,anditworksoneveryiOSdevicecapableofrunningiOS6,withtheexceptionoftheAppleTVs.Thatmeans ...,We'dliketorecommentTHEBESTapplicationtoconvertALLtypesofmedia.It'sfree,noads,worksperfect!WepresentSmartMediaC...

IOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak for all Idevices


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evasi0n iOS 6 untethered jailbreak released

2018年4月10日 — Evasi0n is an untethered jailbreak, and it works on every iOS device capable of running iOS 6, with the exception of the Apple TVs. That means ...

IOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak for all Idevices

We'd like to recomment THE BEST application to convert ALL types of media. It's free, no ads, works perfect! We present Smart Media Converter!

iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

2013年2月4日 — The jailbreak tool evasi0n for iOS 6.x, meaning currently iOS 6.0 and iOS 6.1, has finally been released. It can perform an untethered ...


2022年3月15日 — Upgradable to untethered jailbreak via p0sixspwn Cydia package. Apple TV. Note: Marketing Version is the version that the Apple TV reports in ...

[Guide] Untethered Jailbreak iOS 6.1.6 with Redsn0w and ...

2014年4月7日 — Hello everyone. I write this guide to not only tell you how to Untether jailbreak iOS 6.1.6, but to share my adventures and battles of ...

[tutorial] How to Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3

2021年11月19日 — Click Jailbreak. 6. This will reboot your device. ... 8. It will continue to complete a whole bunch of processes. 9. Do not unplug your device ...

適用於iOS 6.1.6 的Jailbreak Untethered 現已在Cydia 上可用

2023年7月3日 — 這是越獄手機最簡單的方法。 在我的案例中,一個讓你不受束縛的應用程序。 您可以創建有關此類越獄的更多更新帖子,因為它適用於許多模型,並且來自snow ...


2018年4月10日—Evasi0nisanuntetheredjailbreak,anditworksoneveryiOSdevicecapableofrunningiOS6,withtheexceptionoftheAppleTVs.Thatmeans ...,We'dliketorecommentTHEBESTapplicationtoconvertALLtypesofmedia.It'sfree,noads,worksperfect!WepresentSmartMediaConverter!,2013年2月4日—Thejailbreaktoolevasi0nforiOS6.x,meaningcurrentlyiOS6.0andiOS6.1,hasfinallybeenreleased.Itcanperformanuntethered ...,2022年3月1...